Original iPhone Prototype with iPod Click Wheel Surfaces Online

Instead of the modern touch-driven interface we now call iOS, it featured an operating system dubbed “Acorn OS” (this was an internal code name, and it unclear if it would have kept that name if it had been released), which is derived from the acorn shown on boot. 

iPod Click Wheel

It presents an on-screen click wheel, which took up the bottom portion of the screen, and on the other half of the screen, a UI identical to the one found on the beloved iPod, with options such as “Dial”, “SMS”, “Music”, “Contacts” and “Recents”, however lacking a browser option. The interface is interacted with in the same way an iPod would be operated.

A never-before-seen alternate version of the iPhone appears to have been quite similar to the original iPod interface. While the prototype pictured appears similar to the original iPhone in some ways - with its 2G data and aluminum chassis, among other quirks - it's quite different than the iPhone that ended up on the market.

Its operating system 'Acorn OS' used a click wheel which when touched and 'spinned' let the user navigate the phone. iOS, the operating system that made it into the iPhone and the latest incarnation of which iPhone users have today, is entirely touch-based.

With 'Acorn OS,' the click wheel took up the bottom half of the screen while the top half had a userface identical to the iPod, Sonny Dickson reported.

The Acorn interface also lacked a web browser.

This interface might explain a 2006 patent filed by Apple, International Application No: PCT/US2006/008349, for a 'multi-touch device,' according to Dickson.

It is not known whether there are any Apple devices still in existence that showcase this fascinating user interface.

Source : Dailymail

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